The Life Files ~ What’s My Age Again?

Today I turn 43. Not a milestone by any stretch of the imagination, but it’s significant to me this year. My circumstances found me facing the most radical lifestyle change I’ve faced in over a decade.

When I bought my farm, I worked from home. I found it easy to handle the day to day responsibilities of taking care of so much, because I managed myself and my time to suit the lifestyle I always dreamed of recognizing.

Nothing lasts forever. Perhaps the saddest cold, hard truth of our existence remains this one fact. This Spring I received word my work at home lifestyle would be nearing its end. Blame it on whatever you like, I had to find myself quick and land on my feet.

I am on my own and I have grown very lax over the last ten years of easy living. I chose this life and all the responsibility for ten acres, three horses, two mini donkeys, six cats (I never said I was sane) and one dog falls on me alone. By the end May, I had no job. I’ve been on exactly one interview in my working life and I suck at the process. I had to file for unemployment for the first time in my working life. WTF may as well have been tattooed on my forehead. This seemed it could be my toughest year yet.

Cue fantasies of a condo in Bali and a penchant for something more manageable. Cue regrets. Only one other time in my life have I been lower. I found myself lost in a sea of change and concern. I immediately updated my résumé and started applying for every job I could find remotely fitting my skill set. Twinkies may have gone by the wayside, but I was shitting them daily.

Thing is, it all worked out well in the end. I found a great position after only a month of unemployment for a great organization working with people among the most brilliant in my state. I commute now, but after a few months I’m adjusting. What looked like it was shaping up to be one of the worst years of my adult life may turn out to be one of the best yet.

I believe significant change happens at certain times in our lives because we are ready for it or we have reached a time where we need it to continue to grow. Whether we need to learn from something, grow out of something, or simply enjoy the moment, however fleeting it may prove to be, the best and biggest changes will come at the right moments in life.  When I study my own personal history, I realize everything has come to me when I needed it the most. Even though I worried earlier this year how things would ever be ok again, here I am four months later…getting by, albeit some days by the skin of my teeth.  Timing really is everything.  Shakespeare, despite writing the most depressing love story in history, was spot on about timing. 

Timing is everything. There is a tide in the affairs of men which when taken at the flood leads on to fortune.” – William Shakespeare

So 43, insignificant as the number may be, finds me taking stock of what I’ve done and what I am yet to do. I enjoy a wonderful life. I’m in a great place, surrounded by the right people, and I’m still doing what I love. It may be time to scale back a bit and it’s certain more change is on the horizon, but my accomplishments can’t be disputed. This change came at time I needed it the most, saving me from the quagmire of complacency I was hip deep in and failed to notice. I’m a lucky woman, even if there are times I don’t feel like one. Turns out 43 could be one of my most significant birthdays to date. I would have never seen that coming. 

So cheers to the years,
may they not pass to fast,
the only constant is change,
things forever rearrange
But with good friends by your side
And a fast horse to ride
All the love you can stand,
A random helping hand
Make the best of every day
Be sweet in what you say
Don’t scoff as time passes
Just get off your asses
There is fun to be had
Waste no time being sad.
The good times will always follow the bad.